I have led tours for Gardens Illustrated magazine (in collaboration with Distant Horizons travel company and Boxwood Garden Tours) to Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Sweden, the USA, China and Japan. And of course within the UK. My tours, run in conjunction with my wife Jo Eliot, are renowned for being fun, informative, and with a knack for getting people to places and gardens well off the beaten track.
I am available to lead tours for groups (either through tour companies or independently organised) or to design tailor-made self-guided itineraries. Gardens are the main focus, bur we often include natural habitats, art galleries and other cultural destinations too. An entertaining running commentary on the history and culture of the location is a strong feature too.
Walking the High Line, New York, 2014
With Lynden Miller, Conservatory Garden, New York, 2014
With Jimi Blake at Huntingbrook Gardens, Ireland, 2015
With Skye Hopetoun at Hopetoun House, Edinburgh, 2012
Com las Chicas Argentinas, at de Kleine Plantage, Groningen, northern Netherlands, 2013